
Showing posts from April, 2014

Hypnotic Beats Stirs My Soul

With each beat my heart hears an ancient song A pining so strong The beats grow louder My soul stirs from slumber An age old call promising bliss like no other Mystical beats of the old pierces the layers i stand a naked being Absorbing each sound Sensous sensations fill every inch of my body i cannot breathe... i am swept into seductive dance My mind cannot reason My heart is seized held captive in bottomless bliss The trance like beats continue... Surrender i must to this nameless joy No measure, no meaning but to feel... This hypnotic magic penetrating my core My every pore pulsing vibrant and alive!

No Thought Given.Thinking Before Talking Is No Longer Practised.

Do we actually think before saying something? Give thought to the consequences of our words?. Everyday, people around me are saying things which most often defies logic and the words spoken carry no meaning. Why say it then?. i understand that seeking attention escapes no one but as time goes by, it is becoming apparent that no thought is given before one opens his or her mouth. That is downright dumb and dangerous. 'Think before you speak'. 'Look before you leap' were definitely coined after much thought. Words are so powerful that they yield unimaginable impact whichever way it hits you. i believe in it. Just three magic words,"i love you" soars the spirit whilst,"i hate you" can crush your soul. Sometimes words are uttered intentionally to cause hurt and careful thought is given for choice words to create such an effect. It is cruel. When no thinking at all is done before giving views or sharing information, it is damaging because it will cause