
Showing posts from July, 2020


Seasons have gone past she's now no longer waiting ... The jazz singer still entertains words never fail to mesmerise Magical worlds hold court bad memories fall apart ... She feels new in heart and mind THIS peace has taken its time to arrive Bidding adieu seems fine ... she knows everything's temporary.


There is nothing for me to control ... Why should i?. Isn't it going against the order of nature?. After so many years, i've realised that most things are beyond my control and i have accepted this FACT. i'm learning to; each time i find myself confronted with a problem or a dilemma,faced with making difficult choices and find myself in a situation that i cannot avoid, ignore or run away from. The tendency to be in control is strong to ensure the perfect result from an endeavour but the unexpected and unforseen can and most likely might happen.It is not from lack of preparation or lack of caution but more so because we're working and dealing with people who we're probably not always in sync with.And when we're working alone, we're up against nature and so many other eventualities that may not go along with what we've planned for. Such is the order of nature. Is it easy to accept "not being in control"?. No,it isn't but acceptance and being