
Showing posts from 2014

This Heart

This heart of mine... won't listen To the voice of reason This heart of mine... has a will of its own mightier than mind This heart hears... beautiful verses Beats at poetic words This heart sings... A tune as old as time

No Brain, No Pain...Truly

Laughter, glee and giggles rung out with abandon Happiness radiating from within... There is no stopping tears of joy The pain is gone fear is vanquished This moment... Out from a tunnel Away from the madness Light beckons The soul is free liberated from sorrow Thought flees Only fun occupies This hollow... Long neglected Never tended Always ignored A fraction... A second... Joy is all there is Laughter floods the being This precious play caressing the spirit cheating the mind Here is bliss

A Nameless...Joyous Tug

i often used to wonder how people acquire new relationships so easily and it is probably because i take time to warm up to people in general.There are very few whom i connect with instantly and allow into my inner sanctum.i guard my privacy and solitude fiercely.i met a mother recently who effortlessly touched my heart.A soul who mesmerised me with such innocence and courage and who called me daughter.How does one respond to that?.i was stumped and at the same time humbled by such profound words said so genuinely.i dedicate the piece below to my new Mother...A precious,sweet soul in my life. Serene and sincere your beautiful face Nary a crease of complaint simply a smile to light my day Warmth emanates... Spreading all around filling me with love i'm enamoured Suprise etched on my face as you took me to your bosom Pure nameless joy... Tugged at my core Two souls... Two different worlds drawn together by the spirit To share a wonderful bond A mother... Whose

The Beast Resides In Each Of Us

In each of us resides an ugly beast capable of damage and destruction. A beast that can taunt, terrify and torture a fellow human being. A beast that can kill and feel no remorse, inflict pain and feel no guilt. This beast is asleep until awakened by reasons no one can tell with certainty. It could be uncontrollable anger, deep hatred or even perverse pleasure to see another suffer. These characteristics could be so deep seated and surface anytime or at any point in a person's life. What separates the person who lets the beast take control and someone who tames the beast?. Can the beast actually be controlled?. There are many ways to prevent the beast from taking hold and extract revenge or cause grievous harm of some kind. Support and understanding that are constant, consistent and communicative. Deep relaxation, release oneself from worries and unfounded fears. To believe and have hope to live. However, nothing is ever so straightforward. It is unfortunate that the beast so

Vile Absurdity Stirs Unrest

The quiet is deafening amidst the din all around A simmer about to sizzle fanning anew grudges long past Old scars start to throb... Anger bubbles forth Simple living replaced by suspicion and doubt intolerance and ignorance escalates Frustration and fears reign The craziness is suffocating Insane absurdity holds court i stand surrounded by falsity The heart rebels this injustice The mind rejects this vile atrocity Evil claims dominance whilst fairness fades away There is no place... A destructive plague such as this cannot slip into Wreaking havoc in its path Anger... Sadness... Incredulity... Becomes the order of the day spiraling free fall to damnation The beginning of an end... Has come to rob, rape and ruin Thoughts, ideals and beliefs challenged Total annihilation The fabric that binds has thinned... Hanging by a wisp so precarious Death of solidarity inevitable Incensed for what is to come... The malice,hatred and ugliness Devoid of compas

Testing The Limit Of Being Polite

i'm polite to everyone whether i know them or not personally and that's how it has been from the time my parents taught me good manners and i practise politeness. It's habitual and it's automatic. Times and people have changed...Continue to change at an alarming speed but not necessarily in the right direction. i don't have anything against change though being polite to everyone around me is getting difficult. i dislike being rude but it seems that some people are just not worthy of my politeness. They bring out the worst in me by saying the damnest things!. i'm emotional but also disciplined to have my temper in check, so i don't go around being nasty towards others because i'm having a bad day. i'm still polite. However, i find that being polite to a moron who thinks nothing of saying stupid things, loudly in public is a sheer waste of my time. i will not accord such a person, my good graces. Why be polite to a pathetic person who insists on bein

Hypnotic Beats Stirs My Soul

With each beat my heart hears an ancient song A pining so strong The beats grow louder My soul stirs from slumber An age old call promising bliss like no other Mystical beats of the old pierces the layers i stand a naked being Absorbing each sound Sensous sensations fill every inch of my body i cannot breathe... i am swept into seductive dance My mind cannot reason My heart is seized held captive in bottomless bliss The trance like beats continue... Surrender i must to this nameless joy No measure, no meaning but to feel... This hypnotic magic penetrating my core My every pore pulsing vibrant and alive!

No Thought Given.Thinking Before Talking Is No Longer Practised.

Do we actually think before saying something? Give thought to the consequences of our words?. Everyday, people around me are saying things which most often defies logic and the words spoken carry no meaning. Why say it then?. i understand that seeking attention escapes no one but as time goes by, it is becoming apparent that no thought is given before one opens his or her mouth. That is downright dumb and dangerous. 'Think before you speak'. 'Look before you leap' were definitely coined after much thought. Words are so powerful that they yield unimaginable impact whichever way it hits you. i believe in it. Just three magic words,"i love you" soars the spirit whilst,"i hate you" can crush your soul. Sometimes words are uttered intentionally to cause hurt and careful thought is given for choice words to create such an effect. It is cruel. When no thinking at all is done before giving views or sharing information, it is damaging because it will cause

Taking Off...Never To Land @ MH370

This sadness consumes me A grief like no other... A hollow within i cannot describe Pain that is slow to subside Tears flow freely There is no control A heaviness i cannot bear Closure my mind cannot comprehend i know not thee... Yet i feel i do Those who know you well We all...Pray for each of you Unanswered questions... Remain hanging in abyss Dreams unfulfilled... Not to be awakened anymore Hopes... Perished prematurely Pinned in thy hearts An ache which is lingering Prayer the only solace Showers of love brims over... In memory of each soul To the rest of us... You live on as a fragrance that is always present In our thoughts and hearts

The Expectations Of Adults Are High...And Ridiculous

A parent teacher meeting is daunting for both the teacher and the student but never the parent.It is true i dare say. A parent once asked me what was the best form of punishment and yet another wanted to know the exact date her child could speak like a westerner. My answer to the former was that i did not know what was the best punishment (if there ever was one!) for a teenager since i was not a parent to one and neither did i condone punishment of the physical kind. i wanted to add that meting out punishment was not my area of expertise but stopped myself in time. i was tongue tied for a few seconds before coming up with the best possible answer for the latter parent. i patiently told her that learning a second language was no easy task for a non native speaker especially so when her son attended a chinese school and spoke only the local dialect at home, at school and everywhere else. i wish i could have also said to her face that i did not have a magic wand nor a crystal ball to wa

It Matters Not...But Matter To Be Human

It matters not where you come from nor where you go If you are a fool... It shows regardless Belonging to any culture or coming from any country If you are an idiot It surely shows Your stupidity and arrogance clearly surfaces... Be whosoever you are Whatever your belief It matters not... As wealth and vanity buys you no glory Gives you no clout Obnoxiousness cannot hide Hypocrisy does not shy away No matter how or what It will give you away It matters not... But matter; to be with conscience Not to harm or hurt It matters not... But matter; to have decency Not to criticise or condemn It matters not... But matter; to show kindness Not to gloat and belittle others It matters not... But matter to be human

A Moment Of Despair

i stood suspended i could not breathe Walls came up and around Suffocating my dream i wanted to run...But my legs did not obey me i felt like screaming...And my voice betrayed me In my heart of hearts i called out...My agony Tears rolled...Nothingness claimed me Oblivion...Came and rescued me Let it go! A voice said The desperation will pass Roles revised, responsibilities reprised Everything falls into place... As it always does Tis me who gets anxious The heart does not waver When the mind goes beserk Lightness prevails each time T'was another test... A twist in the tale i had to understand And my mind to comprehend A moment of despair may ruffle the calm It will cause torment Fall on faith... It works every time!

Do You Agree That Every Problem Can Be Solved Without Fighting?

Do you agree to disagree? or Do you disagree to agree?. Do you resort to verbal abuse and physical assault just to prove that you are right and the other party is wrong? We are faced with problems almost everyday from so many situations that we find ourselves in. Sometimes, problems simply pop-up when you least expect it. Problems are unavoidable and are part and parcel of life. Solving them requires skill. tact, tons of patience and understanding. Often, a problem can trigger arguements, misunderstandings and shouting matches that may result in the exchange of harsh or bad language. Is this really necessary? There are many ways to solve the numerous problems that we encounter in our lives. A solution for every problem may also mean 'letting go' of the problem sometimes. It has a way of getting solved through running its own course. Everyone wants a problem to be solved swiftly but allowing time to ponder and 'sleeping on it' helps to give a clear and fresh perspe

Embarking On A New Journey

People always take holidays and travel to places that they have never been before. They visit new countries, go on pilgrimages and even move to another town or village for a change in pace. Embarking on a new journey in life is not so much about packing the bags and hitting the road or flying in a plane to reach a destination but rather to experience newness.Meeting people,tasting different food never tried before,seeing and hearing new sights and sounds. We may never know what may come out of the experience but if we never even give a chance to being exposed to a different environment,then we surely would not know what we'd be missing out on. Travelling down an unknown path requires some degree of courage and plenty of a good sense of humour. It definitely helps to keep an open mind and an open heart - To learn, to appreciate and to allow our own growth from all that we see,hear,taste,smell and feel. We will come away knowing there are differences as well as similiarities all

The Language Of LOVE

Love speaks in many tongues it sings in a multitude of tunes Love transcends time it flows free without borders Love closes chasms,covers crevices it creates spellbinding moments The language of LOVE escapes no one, fills everyone Bliss with no definition Joy without explanation Love has no guide, no manual Love's sonnets resonates with all Love speaks with the five senses Love transmits through each being There is no meaning, just feeling Love's language is understood by all Tis beauty beyond magnificence A shared union with the universe The language of LOVE touches each soul trustingly Stripping bare egos completely Venerable in its purest light Be immersed in this wondrous power Surrender to the language of LOVE

Stars Dancing On Water

The blue of the water was inviting i could almost touch... The sparkling stars dancing on its surface Are they truly stars? My eyes don't deceive me and i reach out... Alas,they escape my grasp i cannot capture them This wonder that i see My heart flutters with ecstasy to file away in memory Stars dancing on water Could it be a fantasy? So beautiful a marvel A magical memorable moment My eyes do not trick me My heart knows what's real It is a blessing my soul experiences A bliss that cannot be told

The Value Of Good Old Fashion Values

How important are values in a person's life?. Values form the very basis of our beliefs and principles in life. Good old fashion values passed on to us by our parents stay with us for a long time. It's then taught to our kids with the hope that they will continue to do so with their children. Values have evolved with the passing of time and some of the values that were important to our grandparents may not seem valuable to a modern young person today. Children and youngsters have a different perspective of the values of before. Sitting down for a meal together is a challenge for most modern families now. Career and commitments pose as obstacles to share meals which was considered very important those days. A reunion dinner or compulsory get togethers therefore are sure ways of keeping good values alive. Sharing food and nuggets of the day's happenings are invaluable and forges stronger family ties. It's a pity that most old fashion values are frowned upon and not fo

Puzzling & Worrying Weather

i feel the chill in a tropical country and while the sun blazes bright outside, i'm cold inside. Puzzling?. Yes. i want to hibernate as if it's winter and it's difficult to rouse myself awake in the mornings. i wish i could sleep on. My body simply protests to be up and about. Perplexing?. Yes,again. It is windy too but i love it. It allows me to hear my windchimes sing,the rustling leaves make music and the feel of being 'fanned' by the breeze is amazing. The perfect weather to be at the beach on a hammock with a good book in hand. Bliss. Elsewhere though,i read with dismay of the artic like cold in the United States and how temperatures are worse than in planet Mars. That is very disturbing news. At the other extreme, it is so hot and the dry spell is like no other experienced before. It's worrying. Manila and Jakarta are facing floods they have never had. Many have perished, millions have lost their homes and are displaced. i could go on and on but it'

Dumb Down

A pleasant evening with a dear friend and her family last month got me re acquainted with the word dumb down. Dumb down is the strategy to be used when working among those who are easily threatened and intimidated by intelligence said her spouse. i was dumbstruck. A couple of days later upon pondering, i had to grudgingly agree that downplaying one's intelligence is most often required and crucial to safeguard the bread and butter. If you work in an environment where speaking articulately is frowned upon and being smart,sharp and sagacious is a death sentence to your post and pay - You best dumb down. It's an absolute shame that intelligence and real talent aren't recognised nor appreciated. Intelligence is dismissed as arrogance and wisdom overlooked in a growing number of workplaces. Then, one hears of importing expertise from elsewhere under the illusion that brains from abroad are somehow better. An irony considering the large exodus leaving for lack of recognition

Black Dog & Grey Cakes

A bake sale featuring only grey cakes will be held in Ipoh on January 12th and there will be a competition for the most creative and original Depressed Cake. It's the second Depressed Cake shop in Malaysia. The first held an impressive sale of grey confections to raise awareness about depression last September in Kuala Lumpur. Emma Thomas started this movement in the United Kingdom last year and more than thirty Depressed Cake shops have popped up all over the world. Depression is also compared to a black dog which a person can't do away with but have to manage. How many of us actually admit to being depressed?. Acknowledging and openly telling others about one of the most common mental disorders is unheard of. People are ashamed of the stigma that comes with being labelled mentally unstabil. Others will look at a depressed person with pity or stay away from them altogether. The fear of being completely ostracised by family and friends overrides the need to seek help. Harsh r

A Brand New Year!

A very prosperous and joyful 2014 to all. May each of us be blessed with good health, good fortune and success. May love and laughter be present each day and may we always be grateful for all that we have. GOD Bless us. i have jus returned from a wonderful holiday with a dear friend. i'm feeling happy, relaxed and totally recharged to enjoy a brand new year. So many wishes from family and friends; each looking forward to fulfilling their wish list and keeping to new year resolutions. A new beginning heralds new hopes and aspirations. An opportunity to start something anew and also to continue something started with zest. There are old issues that follow us into the new year but we can take comfort in having another chance to do something about it; in a new way.