
Showing posts from March, 2014

Taking Off...Never To Land @ MH370

This sadness consumes me A grief like no other... A hollow within i cannot describe Pain that is slow to subside Tears flow freely There is no control A heaviness i cannot bear Closure my mind cannot comprehend i know not thee... Yet i feel i do Those who know you well We all...Pray for each of you Unanswered questions... Remain hanging in abyss Dreams unfulfilled... Not to be awakened anymore Hopes... Perished prematurely Pinned in thy hearts An ache which is lingering Prayer the only solace Showers of love brims over... In memory of each soul To the rest of us... You live on as a fragrance that is always present In our thoughts and hearts

The Expectations Of Adults Are High...And Ridiculous

A parent teacher meeting is daunting for both the teacher and the student but never the parent.It is true i dare say. A parent once asked me what was the best form of punishment and yet another wanted to know the exact date her child could speak like a westerner. My answer to the former was that i did not know what was the best punishment (if there ever was one!) for a teenager since i was not a parent to one and neither did i condone punishment of the physical kind. i wanted to add that meting out punishment was not my area of expertise but stopped myself in time. i was tongue tied for a few seconds before coming up with the best possible answer for the latter parent. i patiently told her that learning a second language was no easy task for a non native speaker especially so when her son attended a chinese school and spoke only the local dialect at home, at school and everywhere else. i wish i could have also said to her face that i did not have a magic wand nor a crystal ball to wa

It Matters Not...But Matter To Be Human

It matters not where you come from nor where you go If you are a fool... It shows regardless Belonging to any culture or coming from any country If you are an idiot It surely shows Your stupidity and arrogance clearly surfaces... Be whosoever you are Whatever your belief It matters not... As wealth and vanity buys you no glory Gives you no clout Obnoxiousness cannot hide Hypocrisy does not shy away No matter how or what It will give you away It matters not... But matter; to be with conscience Not to harm or hurt It matters not... But matter; to have decency Not to criticise or condemn It matters not... But matter; to show kindness Not to gloat and belittle others It matters not... But matter to be human

A Moment Of Despair

i stood suspended i could not breathe Walls came up and around Suffocating my dream i wanted to run...But my legs did not obey me i felt like screaming...And my voice betrayed me In my heart of hearts i called out...My agony Tears rolled...Nothingness claimed me Oblivion...Came and rescued me Let it go! A voice said The desperation will pass Roles revised, responsibilities reprised Everything falls into place... As it always does Tis me who gets anxious The heart does not waver When the mind goes beserk Lightness prevails each time T'was another test... A twist in the tale i had to understand And my mind to comprehend A moment of despair may ruffle the calm It will cause torment Fall on faith... It works every time!