The One Who Passes The Buck...To Others

i don't suffer fools gladly and i certainly don't tolerate unfairness of any kind. Just two days ago, i was totally annoyed with someone who at a meeting,simply started telling others what their roles were and without missing a beat made sure he had no important role. In fact he didn't have any role to play. How convenient!. To the chagrin of the rest of us present.

i'm sure everyone has come across this so called do gooder, who talks glibly and passes the buck to someone else when it comes to taking on responsibilities. There is no shortage of excuses from this person. It usually takes a few moments before others realise that everyone has something to do but not the very person who started the ball rolling.

i find that the best way to deal with such persons is to ask directly what his or her role is in the scheme of things. Go further by suggesting the perfect, most important role and give no room for counter arguements. Do you have any suggestions?

i mean, it's nice to be of help but if assistance offered is abused then it's absolutely alright to assess the matter and confront the person especially when he or she is known for shirking off duties. No one likes being told what to do and definitely not from someone who commands, demands and directs others without consulting, asking or deliberating together.


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