Do You Agree That Every Problem Can Be Solved Without Fighting?

Do you agree to disagree? or Do you disagree to agree?. Do you resort to verbal abuse and physical assault just to prove that you are right and the other party is wrong?

We are faced with problems almost everyday from so many situations that we find ourselves in. Sometimes, problems simply pop-up when you least expect it. Problems are unavoidable and are part and parcel of life. Solving them requires skill. tact, tons of patience and understanding.

Often, a problem can trigger arguements, misunderstandings and shouting matches that may result in the exchange of harsh or bad language. Is this really necessary?

There are many ways to solve the numerous problems that we encounter in our lives. A solution for every problem may also mean 'letting go' of the problem sometimes. It has a way of getting solved through running its own course. Everyone wants a problem to be solved swiftly but allowing time to ponder and 'sleeping on it' helps to give a clear and fresh perspective of a problem.

Creating animosity or letting a problem fester isn't a good idea either nor is having fist fights. A problem can be solved amicably through wisdom, practicality and a clear heart. Afterall, it involves feelings of people including us!.

A careless word may kindle strife
A cruel word may wreck a life
A timely word may lessen stress
A loving word may heal & bless

- Unknown


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