What Is The New Normal ... ?
The Oxford dictionary defines normal as usual and typical;what you would expect.
What is the new normal? - A term now used by everyone in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.Is there such a notion of a new normal when things haven't begun to look even remotely normal?.Most countries are discovering new strains of the virus bringing with it new cases.No deaths in some places but cases keep coming up everyday.Could there be a normal explanation to this?.
Yesterday,after 55 days of being indoors,i did not know what to feel,what to think nor what to expect anymore....The question of how much longer before the all clear loomed large in my thoughts and stifling the unease of going into full panic mode,i managed to pull back and calm myself.i started self motivation and am determined to carry on with hope on a day to day principle,continue with my daily affirmations,prayers and exercise regime which are keeping me sane.
i do not know what the new normal is or what it is supposed to look like.i have no idea whatsoever what the new normal is meant to be.All i do know is that there is a difference in me,responding and reacting to the many changes taking place all around me.It is surreal and unreal simultaneously,incomprehensible and mind boggling to be dealing with a deadly unseen entity that has completely turned the world upside down.The entire human race is at its mercy,opening our eyes to our mortality and much more.
The new normal could mean different things to people everywhere ....Our lives have been altered significantly in ways we couldn't have imagined for us to go back to how we were or how we went about our usual daily lives.
Newness comes with challenges which no doubt we have to accept and manage the best we can.Time and again we have heard,witnessed and read about resilience of the human spirit to survive - This too is such a period where all of us have to learn,to carry on and to find purpose for living.It may be daunting;this new normal but with positivity and strength of spirit,we shall march on.
The new normal is but a term coined and we are much more than that for sure.We shall find our own footing,one step at a time to navigate this uncertain times.The new normal is what we each interpret how we go about our lives from this point onwards.What works best in every area of our lives.There is no right way or wrong way.
There is however a lesson that all of us must acknowledge first before we can even move forward and that lesson is for each of us to know within ourselves in order to adopt and adapt to the new normal.The new normal depends on each one of us all over the world.
"Whatever happens,do not lose hold of the two ropes of life - HOPE and FAITH." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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