Makeover Magic

Have you had a makeover?. Makeovers are fun, refreshing and gives you a totally new look; making you feel like a different person altogether. Some though find makeovers unnecessary and superficial to being oneself.

i like makeovers. The first time i had a makeover in Body Shop and walked out feeling like a supermodel, i've had my very own mini makeovers over the years. Changing hair colours and getting a highlight which made my friends run to the hair salons as well. A wardrobe change also makes a huge difference in appearance and feeling great.

So,go ahead and get a makeover. You can get professional help or do it yourself through watching relevant videos on utube or even browsing through magazines and books.

A makeover doesn't have to be all about your physical appearance. It inevitably boosts your self-esteem and gives you confidence to be a better you and achieve your dreams.There is absolutely nothing wrong in wanting to look your best at all times. In fact, it is rightfully your duty to do so.

It's the first step of critically examining what you want to change about yourself that is the toughest to take. Once you cross that threshold, then it is MAKEOVER MAGIC!.

Through trial and error, you will get a hang of the best colours that suit your skin tone and getting that wonderful haircut that complements the shape of your face. The right cut,colour,design and detail does work magic to your overall well being. Be bold and try till you are satisfied with the results.

It is not about transforming yourself to be someone else but more about reinventing yourself to feel good, to get what you desire and to be who you really want to be. If something as simple as having painted nails makes you feel fabulous, then no remark or stare should stop you from continuing to have colours on your nails!.


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