War is "Wastage And Ruin".

Waste of precious human lives
Waste of time and energy
Waste of resources and infrastructure


Ruin of compassion and duty of care towards fellow humans
Ruin of humanity
Ruin of rationale and reason

War is a mere tool to suppress the defenceless
an excuse to flaunt strength and superiority
War is simply an advancement of selfish pursuits

Should innocents be the pawns in this insane endeavour?
Why must people suffer for the whims of their leaders?
Don't human beings have the right to freedom?

The fundamental right to carry on life in peace
instead of being in a 'tug-of war'
between feuding fiends?

War is not about who ultimately wins but mostly;
it is the devastating destruction of mankind
which stay forever....

Why must people look at wars as
A battle of races or religions?
A fight between the strong and the weak?

War warrants time for reflection...
of how precious our lives are
That a human being should be valued for his/her worth as a person
Not for which sect he/she belongs or
religion he/she practises

It is outrageous but a sad fact that most wars are waged
to uphold a race or religion...
and not for the betterment of mankind; for
How can it be when WAR is afterall
"Wastage And Ruin".


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