In A World Of Fast, Quality Is Compromised

Be quick!,Hurry!,Work faster!- You hear these words everywhere; a parent scolding a child to hurry up chewing food, an employer chiding an employee to produce work in unreasonable time, caretakers admonishing the elderly and sick to be quick.

It's fast,faster,fastest everywhere,resulting in tension,stress and health is affected also quality of life is compromised. Is it really necessary?. To hurry eating and end up with indigestion?. To let your fingers fly over the keyboard only to end up with appalling grammar mistakes?.

It seems being slow and steady is passe and frowned upon. If you are taking time doing something, then you are left behind. From what?...i wonder. The one who does not conform to the craziness of doing everything in speed is labelled unproductive,slow learner,probably has some medical condition and good to be cast aside. Step away or you get bulldozed by cruel remarks, spiteful critiques and degrading treatment.

Quality has been pushed so far behind that it no longer counts. Who cares for good sentence structure or solid,original work, just copy and paste dear;it saves time. It's okay if the pages aren't in order or nothing makes sense;nobody's going to notice anyway. Cooking oil is getting too expensive,so cheap fat will do-in fact it tastes better,why bother with healthy,quality food.

There are just too many examples of discrepancies compromising on quality in everyday life for me to squeeze in here. Suffice to say, in the name of fast,we have wrongfully compromised on quality. The repercussions will come one day...Soon if it hasn't already.

People used to take pride and pleasure in doing things and enjoying life at its own natural pace. Not anymore and more is the pity. Quality was a way of life; a pride of place in everyone's lives. Today,it is so only to a selected few and i'm glad to be one of them. To those who live hurried lifes - it's your choice but do not belittle others who choose the slow pace of life. There is no glory in compromising quality...Ever!.


  1. Well said. Don't forget there is another group of people who work slow and steadily produce lousy work. Quality is compromised heavily and they work very little but reap big benefits. They are called civil servants.


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