When We Stop Playing...Life becomes A Bore

Chatter, chuckles...Crying
Winners, cheaters...Losers
Hours go by
Filled with happy shrieks
Funny faces
Fantastic times!

Playing with friends
after school, in the weekends
And the school holidays
Oh! Such joy and endless games
Outdoors,indoors,board games,charades
and a whole bandwagon more

Those were the days...
Carefree as only children can be
Playing was the centre of the universe
It defined happiness
where sorrow and sadness
Never allowed in

Suddenly it all stops
Grown ups playing games seemed silly
Really? Why? Is it wrong?
No answers to a questionable unspoken rule
But playing games with friends makes us happy
Why cease something so fun?

We bcome moody
There is only one best remedy
Play as before...With abandon
Be competitive and score with relish
Support your team mates
"Boo" at your opponents' loss

In the name of fun, fun and endless fun
Bring back the childhood games
Shout, scream, cheer and chortle
Remind and reconnect with simple joys
Renew friendships, forge new ones
Perpetual happiness all around

Play! And let play into your lives
Remember to laugh and keep boredom at bay
Watch not the clock
It's the moments that count
The shine in your eyes
is most precious... So play!


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